What is the Into The Whirled Classic Fiber Club?
You have heard of the coffee of the month club right? Maybe the apple of the month club? Then you already know how this whole "Club" thing works. Except there is one difference - with the subscription option offered through PayPal you do not need to lay out a bucket of money up front! Each month your PayPal account will automatically be charged the cost of one month’s subscription and you have the option to cancel your subscription at any time. Depending upon your subscription type, one (or two) four ounce bumps of spinning fiber will magically (well, actually not magically - a whole lot of work goes into the execution of each months club) appear each month at your doorstep!!

When to Purchase:
Please note that subscriptions received before the 5th of the month will ship that same month. Subscriptions received on or after the 5th will qualify for the following month.

Colorways will be kept secret until it arrives on your doorstep. That is unless you sneak a peak into the monthly Ravelry Group spoiler thread. 

Future of club colorways:
Colorways will remain exclusive for a six month period after which they may or may not be made available to the general public.

Shipping dates:
Club fiber will typically ship between the 15th and the 20th of each month.

Extra Fiber:
When available - 'extra' fiber will go on sale the same day that Club ships. Please note that only club members are permitted to purchase additional fiber from the clubs they currently are subscribed to.

Fiber content:
Fiber content will not be repeated in a four month period. Please look to the list of "Fibers featured in the past" for an idea of what you can look forward to receiving.

Fibers featured in the past:
English Shetland, Rambouillet, Falkland, Cheviot, Superwash BFL/Nylon, Polwarth, BFL, Superwash BFL, Romney, Targhee, Superwash Targhee, Merino, Superwash Merino, Corriedale, Masham, Wensleydale, Charollios, Superwash Cheviot, Southdown, Gotland, Texel, Shropshire, Swaledale .

How do I cancel my subscription?
Click the link below. Please note that in order to cancel before the next month's payment is processed you must cancel before the date you subscribed.

NOTE: You must be logged into your PayPal account to unsubscribe. 

Attention - NEW YORK STATE Residents:
Please choose the New York State Resident option when subscribing to the club as it includes NYS sales tax. While a bit of a hassle, it is currently the only means to apply sales tax through the PayPal subscription process. As the tax laws in NYS are ever changing and lets admit it, oh-so-confusing, I will notify you if any changes are required to your fee structure upon review of your address and the county you reside in.

ONE bundle of Classic fiber per month please...
The purchase price entitles you to ONE 4 ounce bundle of spinning fiber per month. The shipping charge is included in the subscription price. Please note that your credit card will automatically be billed each month on the date you originally subscribed.

ITW - Single Dose Fiber Club

TWO bundles of Classic fiber per month please...
The purchase price entitles you to TWO 4 ounce bundles of spinning fiber per month. The shipping charge is included in the subscription price. Please note that your credit card will automatically be billed each month on the date you originally subscribed.

ITW - Double Dose Fiber Club